Feel More Seductive and Confident in Sexy Lingerie
Every time women want to impress their partners, they start buying the most provocative lingerie possible, in order to animate their relationship. Therefore, choosing the right size, the ideal model as well as the best color is elementary for women who…

An Easy and Effective Way to Remove Unwanted Hair!
Are you looking for a permanent hair removal solution? Laser hair removal in Mumbai not only provides permanent result, but it is also a painless procedure. So, if you’re tired of plucking or shaving the hair, then laser hair removal in Mumbai is the…

Starting a recovery group therapy session
I often have the need to customise my approach for people and groups in the pastoral counselling setting. These are some of my thoughts for delivering a program for recovery. It is a specific program, but I think I would stick by these general ground…

That Day at the Shore
When it comes to mother and daughter relationships, which I write about often because it was the one relationship in my childhood life, in my adolescent world that I yearned for deeply. It always left me, even the grownup me thinking why this ethereal,…

Why Muslim women’s clothing offends Westerners
The costumes Muslim women wear in public is an affront to many Western women who have the freedom to dress as they want rather than as religion dictates. The idea that women must cover their heads and bodies to prevent them being raped is outrageous to…

Top 7 Tips for Organizing Your Cosmetic or Makeup Bag
When you open your cosmetic bag, does it overflow with make up you rarely or never use? Or perhaps when you open your make-up bag you see items that you do not like. Here are some great tips to get your make-up working for you. It’ll save you a lot of…

Men, It’s Time to Refresh and Rejuvenate Your Look – Without Surgery!
Guys – I’ve got a big news alert for you. That Marlboro man, Clint Eastwood, "rough", worn down by life look – it’s out. Very out. And it’s been out for a long while now. Sun-damaged, rough, weathered, tough looking skin does not look good on Robert…

Menopause therapy
Three different types of treatment regimens are in vogue for treating menopause. These include hormone replacement therapy, alternative therapy and adjunctive therapy.

Dare To Dominate Her
She is fearless and fragile in herself. Her power is not limited to four walls but is rather extended to the entire world. Women are always judged and labeled by society as per the set norms.